This vlog project was done through a marketing internship at IHDD.
VLOG 1: A Day in the Life of Marina
Marina Martinez has been studying marketing at UGA through the Destination Dawgs program.
She has been doing a marketing internship at IHDD with our very own marketing guru, Whitney Ostrander.
VLOG 2: Interview with UGA Athletic Director about UGA football
Do you wonder about college life? Football is such a big part of UGA college life. Marina had an exclusive
interview with Colby DeCesare, UGA Athletics Director at Sanford Stadium, a great video for students new
to UGA to understand how they can become involved in the Dawg Nation!
Please click here if you would like to support our Destination Dawgs students on their journeys to good adult life.
Follow Marina's journey!
Behind-the-scenes images!