graduates in gowns taking selfie


Spring 2025 UGA Commencement

For updates regarding the UGA commencement ceremonies, including date, venue information, ticketing, parking, seating, and accommodations, please visit Please note that UGA Commencement registration deadlines may be earlier than FACS Convocation registration deadlines.

Spring 2025 FACS Convocation 

Registration for FACS Spring Conovocation is now open. Please complete the FACS Convocation Registration form.

The deadline to register and have your name included in the printed convocation program is April 11th.

Students must apply to graduate with the Registrar's Office, before they can register to participate in the FACS Convocation Ceremony. If you need assistance registering, please contact

Day of Ceremony (Spring 2025)

The College of Family and Consumer Sciences typically celebrates graduation with a smaller, more personal convocation ceremony.

FACS Convocation will be held on Friday, May 9, 2025 at 3:00pm at The Classic Center in The Classic Center Theater. Please ensure your guests get to the right ceremony by reminding them that you are a College of Family and Consumer Sciences graduate. There will be many ceremonies going on for UGA that day.

Students should report to the atrium outside Mahler Hall at a 1:30pm to check-in with their department. Guests will enter the through the same area. Doors open for guests at a 1:30pm.

Leave purses, coats, and other belongings with your family members. Wear comfortable shoes. Food or drink will not be allowed. 

For information about parking and maps of The Classic Center please visit

For day-of-event questions, please contact

Photo information for graduates: Please visit to view the professional photos taken at our convocation ceremony. 


For guests who cannot attend in-person, a livestream of the event will be available on our YouTube page.

Applying to Graduate

The deadline to apply for spring 2025 graduation and to ensure your name appears in the University of Georgia commencement program is March 1, 2025.

You must complete the Graduation Application available in Athena. Simply log in to your Athena account, select the “Student” option, then “Apply to Graduate”, and follow the directions provided. Additional information is provided here

To confirm that your graduation application is complete and is on your record, check Degree Works the day after you apply and confirm the pending degree term has been updated.

For more information on how to apply, contact the Registrar’s Office at 706-542-4040 or

If you are a graduate student, please follow the deadlines and procedures set by the UGA Graduate School.

FERPA Restrictions

Students with FERPA restrictions will not have their names listed in the UGA Commencement Program or the FACS Convocation program. 

If you currently have a FERPA restriction and would like for your name to appear in the programs, you can visit the Office of the Registrar’s page for instructions on how to remove the FERPA restriction.

For more information or assistance, contact the Registrar’s Office at 706-542-4040 or

Awarding of Degrees

Your degree is not official until all grades and graduation requirements are reflected in Degree Works and authorized by the Office of the Registrar.

Grades are not due until after the graduation ceremonies. Refer to your Degree Works audit to review your degree requirements. Students who have not completed all graduation requirements by the clearance deadline will not be cleared as a spring semester graduate.


FACS undergraduates who successfully complete all graduation requirements will receive a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences (BSFCS) in your declared major.

Diplomas will be mailed from the UGA Registrar's Office approximately 6-8 weeks after the semester is over.


Appropriate academic regalia must be worn by graduates to participate in the FACS Convocation ceremony.

Candidates should wear their tassels on the right side during the FACS Convocation ceremony. The mortarboard on the cap should be parallel to the ground. Tassels should be moved to the left after their degree is conferred at the UGA Commencement ceremony.

Caps, gowns, and hoods may be purchased at the University of Georgia Bookstore. Contact the bookstore at 706-542-3171 or via email for purchasing information. Announcements can be ordered online from Jostens.

Graduating with Honors

Please visit this site for information about graduating with honors and First Honor Graduates.

Complete the UGA Career Outcomes Survey

Have you already committed to a full-time job, graduate school program, or an internship after graduation? Please complete the UGA Career Outcomes Survey.

Senior Signature

The first Senior Signature plaque was created in 1991 with just a few hundred signatures. Today, thousands of graduating students make a difference by donating a minimum $50 gift to the university. By making a gift, you will be recognized forever on your class plaque in Tate Plaza. Plus, Senior Signature donors are automatically a part of the Student Alumni Association. This gift includes a designation option so that FACS graduates can give to the college, a department, a program, or a scholarship that has had a personal impact on them during their time at UGA. 

All May, August and December undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to include their names on the plaque. The deadline is March 31, 2025. Questions? Email!

Leave your Legacy

Stay Connected to FACS and UGA

Upon graduation, you automatically become a member of the FACS Alumni Association, a growing network of FACS alumni - 17,000 strong.

You should receive an email from EITS notifying you that your MyID and UGAMail accounts will be disabled 12 months after graduation. Be sure to stay connected to FACS and UGA by visiting our alumni website.

If you have any questions regarding your upcoming membership, contact

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