College Update 2/4/25
Hello FACS folks! This is a lengthy update because we’ve included some communications that came to your email inboxes to which we want to call attention. And because there are lots of events going on in FACS that we want to highlight.
First, I want to acknowledge the tensions that recent federal Executive Orders have caused for students, and recent reports of federal agency activities, shutdowns, and funded programs have caused for faculty.
I’ve included messages sent by the Provost and by the Office of Research at the end of this update. I will always defer to official UGA communications for guidance. I want you to know that I understand each of you may be under strain; continue to reach out to us for support in navigating messages that may be confusing, contradictory, and stressful. Providing support to students and others is a hard, draining job and I appreciate all you are doing. Since the situation is rapidly changing (for example, orders related to freezing student Pell grants were rescinded), it is best to contact central university sources for up-to-date clarification.
I strive to stay informed. As the Office of Research email laid out, Jill Tincher ( is the contact in that office regarding federal research. She has been highly responsive to faculty questions. Please reach out to her and copy me if you are contacted by a federal entity related to research, and to Blake Raulerson ( and me if the contact does not concern research. If you have federal funding and receive any message related to that funding, it is important that you forward the message to Jill and receive guidance before replying to the message.
I believe it’s important to build and sustain community (especially at times like these), so I call your attention to the several FACS events included in this message. You can find FACS events more easily on our FACS webpage than ever before. I encourage you to look out for opportunities to connect and to add your events to the calendar as well.
Those of you who attended the Dean’s Challenge women’s basketball game on Jan. 30 can attest to how much fun that was! We had a great time alongside the College of Public Health. Cal shared some great pictures on social media and Flickr. I was happy to see so many of you there, and happy the dean of Public Health and I are about the same height so that there was another short person amidst all the very tall basketball players!
I am also seeking out opportunities to be in connection with you. I will be attending a faculty meeting in each department this spring. I will also be at the FACS Faculty Learning Community meeting Monday, February 24 at 2 p.m. in a conversation with Interim Assistant Dean Melissa Landers-Potts (faculty email 2/3/25). In March, I plan to schedule a time for drop-in conversation about federal funding and research. If there’s another topic that you’d like to hear from me about, please let me know. These conversations around timely topics can be regular events.
Re-branding External Relations
The External Relations team has been working with several resources to consider how to clearly communicate its purpose and to develop tools to streamline how FACS faculty, staff, and students work with Communications, Development and Alumni Relations, and the Student Success and Advising Center (SSAC). We have slightly rearranged the committee and are re-branding it as SS DARCOMM to emphasize its membership and leadership. Upcoming projects include a refresh of the highly successful “We Are FACS” student recruitment campaign, FACS Alumni Awards, and updates to the New Project and Event forms.
The team has created a New Project Request form that you are encouraged to utilize if you need any sort of visual materials for marketing and/or events.
Members include Cal Powell, Director of Marketing and Communications; Suzanne Griffeth, Director of Development; Catie Floyd, Executive Administrator; Jayme Bolding, Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving; Brandi Herrin, Public Relations Associate; Dr. Bernard Green, Director of the Student Success and Advising Center; Jimmy Hansen, Web Developer Principal; with input from me.
IRB workshops and FACS Office Hours
UGA’s Human Research Protection Program is offering four workshops this semester. Please consider attending, and share this information with colleagues and students whose work involves human subjects. Advance registration is required. Please register here:
IRB Basics Feb 11, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Ethical Principles, IRB Process and Requirements, Resources
IRB Basics Mar 11, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Ethical Principles, IRB Process and Requirements, Resources
IRB Hot Topics Apr 15, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Research with Vulnerable Populations and Informed Consent (special guest speaker)
IRB Hot Topics May 13, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: International Research, External Sites & Collaborators, and Internet Research
FACS is hosting an IRB office hours session in Dawson Hall 207 on April 22 from 12-2 p.m. Researchers (graduate students included) are encouraged to attend. Members of the Protocol Assistance and Compliance Team will be available to answer questions regarding IRB submissions. Virtual and in-person sessions are offered. Advance registration (24 hours or more) is required:
QuestionPro will replace Qualtrics
QuestionPro will be the new enterprise survey research tool available to students, faculty, and staff free of charge (funded by the University and by the Student Technology Fee). QuestionPro will be available on March 17, 2025. General information sessions will start this month. Training resources, including vendor-led workshops for migrating Qualtrics surveys to QuestionPro, will start in March. To learn more about QuestionPro, visit:
Qualtrics will transition to a cost-sharing program. The University will cover 50% of the Qualtrics usage costs, while departments, schools, and colleges will be responsible for the remaining 50%, allocated according to their employees’ continued use of Qualtrics.
All current faculty and staff account holders will continue to have access to Qualtrics through December 2025, but only departments participating in the cost-sharing program will retain access in January 2026. Departments that wish to pay for continued use of Qualtrics will be asked to opt in by May 1, 2025. A clean-up of Qualtrics accounts will be conducted over the summer of 2025 to prepare for the cost-sharing program.
Alchemer will be available for purchase starting in fiscal year 2026. More information about Alchemer will be shared later this spring. To learn more about Alchemer, visit
Programs and Activities Serving Minors and Policy Requirements
In FACS, we do a lot of work with participants in youth programs and activities, and we want to ensure the environment we create is safe for them. For more information see the ArchNews message from Jan. 16 here.
Alumni Corner
If you have alumni scheduled to speak to your classes or groups—whether in person or via Zoom—please contact Jayme Bolding, Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving. This helps us connect with alumni for further engagement opportunities and allows us to express our gratitude for their time and contribution to our students’ learning experiences. Thank you for helping us strengthen our alumni connections!
FACS Alumni Awards event
Registration is still open for the 2025 FACS Alumni Awards, taking place on Friday, February 21, 2025. This event will honor an extraordinary group of individuals, and we would love for you to join us in celebrating their accomplishments.
As a special offer for our faculty and staff, tickets are available for just $25 per person.
If you are a FACS alumnus or donor, you may receive a separate invitation sent to all alumni and donors. Please disregard that email and use the link below to register at the special faculty/staff rate: Faculty/Staff Registration: Register Here
You are welcome to bring a guest or guests. Tickets for your guests are priced at $40 each. Please use the guest registration link: Guest Registration: Register Guests Here
Anne Barge Clegg Reception
Join us as we celebrate famed bridal designer Anne Barge Clegg with the unveiling of a new exhibit in her honor.
Event Details:
Date and Time: Friday, February 21, 4 p.m.
Location: 2nd Floor, Barrow Hall, University of Georgia
(Home of the Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors)
This event will feature brief remarks to commemorating Anne’s extraordinary contributions to fashion, design, and the University of Georgia. Take a moment to view the exhibit, enjoy light refreshments and connect with others who share an appreciation of Anne’s support of UGA’s Historic Clothing and Textile Collection.
Data Privacy
All your online activity generates a trail of data. Websites, apps, and services collect data on your behaviors, interests, and purchases. Sometimes, this includes personal data, like your Social Security and driver's license numbers. It can even include data about your physical self, like health data – think about how a smartwatch counts and records how many steps you take.
In many cases, you can control how you share your data with a few simple steps. Remember, your data is precious, and you deserve to be selective about who you share it with!
Make a habit of adjusting all your settings to your comfort. The National Cybersecurity Alliance has in-depth, free resources like the Manage Your Privacy Settings page that lets you check the settings of social media accounts, retail stores, apps and more.
For more information about Data Privacy, visit
Message from Provost, sent 1/30/25:
Like many of you, we are actively monitoring developments regarding federal agency grant, loan, and financial assistance programs. This situation is in flux, and we recognize and acknowledge the uncertainty and concerns within our campus community. Please be assured that our students, faculty, and staff are our priority. We are working to comply with all legal and contractual obligations, while minimizing disruption to our educational, research, and service activities.
Several recent Presidential executive orders impact federal agency funding, and on January 27, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memo temporarily pausing certain funding activities (but not affecting federal student financial aid). While the OMB memo has been rescinded, the President’s executive orders remain in effect. Separately, some federal agencies have issued stop work orders on a few individual UGA projects funded by federal cooperative agreements, and we must comply with those orders. If investigators receive stop work orders or other project-specific instructions from contracting and program officers, please immediately contact the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration. We will communicate directly with impacted investigators.
We will continue to monitor additional guidance and developments that may impact our educational, research, and service activities, and we will continue to share information as it becomes available. We are working to manage these situations to minimize impact on individual students, faculty, and staff, while ensuring compliance with legal and contractual requirements. Thank you for your understanding and continued efforts during this time.
Key Points for Researchers (from a message from the Office of Research, 1/28/25):
1. Proposals
Continue submitting proposals to active funding opportunities. Before submission, check sponsor websites or to ensure funding opportunities remain open.
Stay informed: Consider signing up for funding opportunity and agency alerts to track updates on funding opportunities.
2. Awards
Continue working on active sponsored projects.
Terms: The terms and conditions for each sponsored project remain enforceable. Invoicing and reimbursements will proceed as usual. Any changes will be communicated via amendments.
Pending Awards & Pre-Award Costs: Exercise caution regarding spending or extending these until funding availability is confirmed.
Monitoring: Regularly review your grant agreement, project status reports, and budget balances to avoid deficits.
3. Federal Impacts
When proposal review panels (study sections) are paused, funding decisions are delayed.
When review panels resume, agency websites should reflect the updated review schedule—contact program officers to verify the status of upcoming reviews and funding decisions.
Ongoing Support:
UGA’s Office of Research will monitor developments and provide updates to help navigate these changes. Should this situation significantly impact sponsored projects, the university will enact contingency plans to ensure our operations continue and we meet our obligations.
We recently learned of an isolated case where a principal investigator received a communication about his active sponsored project. The federal government did not share this communication with the Sponsored Projects Administration; therefore, if you receive any communication or instructions from federal agencies regarding active sponsored projects, please forward them to Jill Tincher: ( or Cathy Cuppett: ( For broader inquiries, contact
Thank you for your adaptability, patience, and commitment during this transition. While the activities of our federal funding agencies may be paused, UGA continues to move forward.
Provost Coffee and Connections
Provost S. Jack Hu invites you to participate in Coffee and Connections, a networking event for members of the UGA community. Vice presidents, deans, associate provosts, and other administrators from across campus are also invited to attend. These informal networking events are a chance to build connections with members of the University’s leadership team and each other, while also hearing updates from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
For the 2025 spring semester, Provost Hu will host Coffee and Connections for faculty and staff together at the Delta Innovation Hub located at 210 Spring St, Athens, GA 30602 on March 12 from 8:30 – 10 a.m. Please register here: Coffee and Connections Registration
Upcoming events
February 13 – FACS Day at the Capitol
February 21 – FACS Alumni Awards
Feb 25 – FACS Extension Professional Development Conference
March 27 – Spring College Assembly
April 8 – Financial Literacy and Well-Being Week
April 23 – Third Annual Lynn Bailey Lectureship
May 9 – Spring Convocation
Anisa M. Zvonkovic
Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences