I hope you are all taking some time this week to enjoy a well-deserved spring break! Here are a few important points I wanted to share this month:
ADR Update
The search for an Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education was not successful. Our excellent candidates had other opportunities present themselves. We are so grateful to the search committee and the work of the UGA Search Group. We are now mounting an internal search for an Associate Dean of Research at 50% time (we have removed the graduate education component of that position). Please reach out if you’d like more information. More details will be available next week.
Research Panel with Dean Z
Join me on Thursday, March 20 from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in Dawson 216 to engage in conversation on the research landscape at the university and how to navigate the changes and unknown surprises. I will also talk about the three-legged stool of funding: federal, state, and corporate. Stop by as you are able. (This is the second in a series of meetings with faculty; I attended the Faculty Learning Circle related to teaching last month.)
Faculty Leadership Fellows
It’s time for applications for the next cohort of FACS Faculty Leadership Fellows. Application details are in the email sent on February 3. This two-year program provides leadership opportunities for a small group of faculty, tenure-line, clinical, lecturer, or PSO, who agree to work on a specific project. I encourage you to consider this opportunity. The deadline to apply is March 10.
Update from Development and Alumni Relations
Thank you to the staff and faculty who attended our FACS Alumni Awards on February 21. We had an amazing turnout of 168 guests to honor our outstanding alumni and friends of FACS! We also had an amazing time honoring Anne Barge Clegg and her exhibit in Barrow Hall. Thank you to everyone who made that possible!
We had 11 alumni representing 10 businesses honored on Friday, February 21 at the
Bulldog 100. Visit
alumni.uga.edu/b100 to see the ranked list of the 100 fastest growing Bulldog owned and led businesses.
Dawg Day of Giving is March 27
We need your support to build up our Student Emergency Fund! If 350 gifts (of any amount) are made to any FACS fund, a generous donor will contribute $5,000 to the Student Emergency Fund. Mark your calendars for March 27 and help us reach our goal!
Federal Funding Updates
On Friday, the Office of Research added a Frequently Asked Question section to our Federal Funding Updates webpage to inform you about federal funding changes, what actions you should take, and what UGA is doing to address them.
Given the dynamic nature of the situation, expect regular updates. Please check the FAQs often to stay informed about changes. Should you have questions about the content of the FAQs or suggestions for additional FAQs, please get in touch with Jill Tincher (jill.tincher@uga.edu) or Cathy Cuppett (cathya15@uga.edu).
Innovation Fellows Program: Empowering Faculty to Lead Innovation
Another opportunity for faculty development is the new Faculty Innovation Fellows program, a unique opportunity from the UGA Innovation District for faculty members to build their skills and become leaders in shaping the future of innovation on campus. The program seeks faculty who want to champion innovation and build cultures of leadership and entrepreneurship within their colleges, schools, and departments.
As an Innovation Fellow, you will receive a $20,000 stipend over a two-year term, as well as specialized innovation, leadership, and business training. You also will have access to university leadership, create visibility of your work through PR opportunities, and build strong connections to other parts of the UGA community. This program is an exceptional opportunity to enhance your professional profile, contribute to the future of our academic environment, and open doors to private sector engagement.
The Center for Teaching and Learning is currently accepting applications for the 2025-27 Lilly Teaching Fellows program and 2025-26 Senior Teaching Fellows program:
CTL Lilly Teaching Fellows program: Up to 10 faculty members in their first, second, or third year of a tenure-track position at UGA are selected each spring semester to begin participation in the two-year program the following fall. Demonstrated passion for and commitment to excellence in teaching is a key factor in selection. The application deadline is
Friday, March 14, 2025. Information and application procedures may be found at
CTL Senior Teaching Fellows program: Up to eight faculty members at the rank of associate or full professor who have been at the University of Georgia for at least five years are selected each spring semester to begin participation in the year-long program the following fall. Demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching is a key factor in selection. The application deadline is
Friday, March 28, 2025. Information and nomination procedures may be found at
Upcoming events
March 20 – Research Panel with Dean Z
March 27 – Dawg Dag of Giving
Anisa M. Zvonkovic
Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences