Merin Mathew
Alumni Office, Nutritional Sciences
Now a physical therapist, Mathew said FACS courses helped prepare her to focus on the patient as a whole
- Degree/Year
Nutritional Sciences, 2019
- Current occupation/Location
Physical Therapist at Team Rehab Physical Therapy in Loganville, Ga.
- What has been your proudest accomplishment since graduating?
Earning my doctorate in physical therapy and gaining employment as a physical therapist!
- What was your favorite class in FACS?
My favorite class would have to be Dr. Anderson’s Nutrition across Lifespan Class, because his passion for the class made it so interesting. It really gave light to different issues that are seen across the lifespan and some of which I see or will screen in my patients as well.
- Did you have a favorite – or most memorable – faculty member?
I cannot mention one without mentioning a few; Dr. Anderson, Dr. Pazdro and Dr. Laing all have been such supportive individuals during my time at FACS. Also a special shout out to Dr. Simmons and Dean Fox who believed in me to become a FACS Ambassador!
- How do you think FACS prepared you for your career success?
Being in nutritional sciences gave me a different perspective in the field of physical therapy that not many people had, which was the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet in the healing process with injuries. I think having this knowledge allowed me to see beyond just a patient’s injuries/condition, but focusing on the patient as a whole: physical, mentally and emotionally. And that really drives my patient care. In addition, being a FACS Ambassador allowed me to gain leadership skills that I was able to carry into my career.
- What inspires or motivates you?
I always wanted my career to be oriented in helping others, and I think being in physical therapy you have the unique opportunity to do so; that is bringing people back to their independence or goals that they once felt limited in doing. It really is the patients who motivate me to keep going, in addition to the support and inspiration of my family, friends and faith.
- What advice would you give a current FACS student looking to pursue a career in your field?
I loved that I was able to be unique and stand out with the knowledge I gained from my major and it continues to help me educate my patients to this day. So don’t be afraid to be different and stand out because it will make you unique in your field and offer new perspectives which your patients will appreciate.