Molly Piller

Molly Piller

Nutritional Sciences

Close-knit nature of FACS has helped pre-med student build community


Norfolk, Massachusetts


Nutritional Sciences, Pre-Med


President’s and Dean’s list, Alpha Omicron Pi, UGA Miracle

Why did you choose your major?

I have always been fascinated by how much nutrition affects one’s body and even mind. I have struggled with my own issues with autoimmune diseases and food sensitivities. Nutrition has played a large role in helping these issues not affect me from living as my best self. I want to be able to help others find a way to enjoy food and fuel their body while also feeling their best.

Why did you want to be a FACS Ambassador?

I wanted to become a FACS Ambassador because I always strive to get involved and make a positive change around me. I believe that students should always have a voice on campus, and being an ambassador allows me to advocate for my peers and make changes they wish to see. My goal as an ambassador is to help make FACS a college where students thrive and enjoy their learning environment, while also connecting with alumni and preparing for their futures.

What do you like most about FACS?

I like how the college is on the smaller side compared to colleges such as Franklin or Terry. This helps build a closer community within FACS. I have found that it is easier to create relationships with both professors and students.

What advice would you give to new students?

Say yes! When you are acclimating to a new environment with new people around you, it is very intimidating and anxiety-producing. Saying yes to small things like grabbing coffee with someone new or studying with a small group is a great way to start making new friends. I found that staying busy and getting involved freshman year helped me make UGA feel like my new home.  

What is your favorite place to study on campus?

My favorite place to study on campus is the picnic tables outside of the MLC. I love to sit outside on a nice day and get some fresh air while doing my work. I’m used to cold weather for much of the year, so I find small ways to enjoy the Georgia heat!

What is one thing you wish more people knew about FACS?

I wish more people knew how diverse FACS is. We have students with all different majors ranging from fashion merchandising to dietetics to culinary science. FACS puts students on paths to success in all different careers. I also wish more students knew you can have a major in FACS while also being Pre-Med, Pre-PA, etc. Many students think you must be a biology or chemistry major to be on the right path for med school, but FACS allows students to have a more narrowed major while still getting prepared for various graduate schools.

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