Thank you for your interest in donating to the Destination Dawgs program. Your support in these areas is immensely valuable and will directly impact students and contribute to the growth and success of the Destination Dawgs program - “Life is a journey. Be prepared for the trip.”
Peer Mentor Program Support
At Destination Dawgs, our peer mentors play a vital role in our mission, fostering a supportive network that propels our students towards achievement. Committed University of Georgia students volunteer their time to assist our Destination Dawgs participants in all aspects of university life. Each year, approximately 100 volunteer UGA student mentors make a significant difference in key areas:

Academic Support
Assisting with class work, homework, library navigation, and study strategies.

Health and Wellness
Supporting healthy lifestyles through cooking, weekly exercise, and mindfulness practices.

Social Engagement
Actively participating in student club/organization events, social activities, sports, and community projects.

Fostering Independence
Providing guidance in meal preparation, financial management, and essential life skills.

Work-Based Learning
Participating alongside students in career and internship fairs, job shadowing opportunities, and identifying career goals.
$10/month = $120 annually
Allow us to reimburse a peer mentor for one meal or 1 ticket for a social, sport or community activity per month.
$25/month = $300 annually
Provide off-campus transportation for one student to and from job sites, internship sites, and career exploration opportunities.
$800 annual gift
Allow us to give our peer mentors a Destination Dawgs branded t-shirt to provide appreciation for their volunteer hours and advertise the program across campus to recruit more peer mentors
$1,000 annual gift
Allow one faculty member and 1 Destination Dawg to attend the national State of the Art in Inclusive Postsecondary Education Annual meeting and conference to empower our students with useful tools for transitioning to college life, enhancing their advocacy and leadership skills, and connecting them with peers nationwide.
$2,500 annual gift
Provide a housing stipend for a Destination Dawg in need
$5,000 per academic year
Pay for a UGA Dining Hall meal plan for 1 student for one academic year.
Destination Dawgs Endowment Funds
Our endowment options offer a range of choices for potential donors who share our commitment to enriching the educational experience of Destination Dawgs students. Whether you're interested in scholarships, professional development, or graduate student assistance, we have opportunities for you to support our mission. Contact FACS Director of Development, Suzanne Griffeth, for more information.