FACS postdoctoral reseacher receives SEC Emerging Scholar Award

Sergei Makaev, a postdoctoral researcher in the department of textiles, merchandising and interiors in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, has received a Southeastern Conference Emerging Scholar Award.
Established by SEC provosts to aid in preparing future faculty members, the program is designed to provide professional development and networking opportunities for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers who are considering careers in higher education.
Makaev’s research focuses on material science with an emphasis on synthesis and characterization of polymers for biomedical applications under the direction of faculty members Sergiy Minko and Vladimir Reukov.
He is currently working on two projects funded by the National Science Foundation.
“My lab is extremely well-equipped,” Makaev said. “We have basically everything to analyze and synthesize polymers. I’m very grateful for that. Another reason for choosing this particular laboratory was because of the head of the lab, professor Minko. (I knew) working with him under his guidance would be extremely beneficial for my career.”
Makaev received a master’s degree in material science from Moscow State University and a doctoral degree in physical chemistry from the Russian Academy of Sciences in hydrothermal phase equilibria.
He then worked as a researcher on water treatment using polymer membrane technologies before arriving at UGA in 2022 to work on nanomaterials, specifically polymers for biomedical applications.
Makaev and his fellow SEC Emerging Scholars recently returned from a career preparation workshop hosted by the SEC in Fayetteville, Ark. UGA will host the workshop next year.
Makaev is part of a cohort of 70 participants from all 14 SEC universities, including five from UGA.
The five UGA Emerging Scholars are featured in a video produced by the UGA Graduate School, seen here: