Alison Clune Berg

College of Family and Consumer Sciences

Extension and Outreach, Nutritional Sciences

Associate Professor and Extension Nutrition and Health Specialist


Degree Field of Study Institution Graduation
Doctor of Philosophy Foods and Nutrition University of Georgia 2015
Master of Science Foods and Nutrition University of Georgia 2009
Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences Dietetics University of Georgia 2007


Alison's current research involves evaluating community Extension education programs to improve nutrition behavior for the prevention and management of chronic disease, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Another emphasis of her work is translational research to study the implementation of evidence-based interventions, including the National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) through the Cooperative Extension model.


As I do not have a formal teaching assignment, my teaching primarily consists of guest lectures for the department and graduate student supervision of research.  As an Extension Specialist, I provide regular training and education for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents across the state of Georgia.

FDNS 7000/9000 - "Masters/Doctoral Research," Instructor of RecordFall 2015 - Present

FDNS 7300 - "Masters Thesis Research," Instructor of Record, Spring 2017, Spring 2019

FDNS 6240 - “Nutrition and Obesity Across the Lifespan” (Lecture), Assistant to instructor—Mary Ann Johnson, PhD                      Fall 2014

  • New course developed for the UGA Certificate in Obesity and Weight Management
  • Collaborated with M Johnson to develop course outline, assessments, and content
  • Develop and implement modules on energy balance, food environment, and current obesity treatment
  • Provide feedback on student assessments

KINS/FDNS 4700/6700 (Lecture and Experiential Learning)“Weight Management Coaching” Guest lecturer and assistant to instructor—to Ellen M. Evans, PhD,   Spring 2014   

  • Assist in development of course outline, activities, and course administration
  • Develop and present lectures on nutrition, scope of practice in weight management, and application of behavioral theory in weight management counseling
  • Provide weekly feedback to students regarding their real-time weight management coaching experiences
  • Work with other teaching assistant to revise and develop materials for student use in ongoing real-time weight management coaching experience 

FDNS 3600/L - “Food Principles”  (Lecture and Laboratory) Graduate Teaching Assistant—to Lecturer Tracey Brigman, PhD, RD, 2007 – 2009

  • Led weekly laboratory experience including food preparation, basic food science/cooking principles, and sensory evaluation
  • Assisted in development and evaluation of student lab reports, exams, and projects
  • Revised laboratory manual, including instructions, recipes, design, and evaluation materials

FDNS 3610/L  - “Quantity Food Production” (Lecture and Laboratory) Graduate Teaching Assistant—to Lecturer Tracey Brigman, PhD, RD, 2007 – 2009       

  • Managed student laboratory experience, including student work in campus dining halls
  • Assisted in development and evaluation of projects relating to menu planning, recipe standardization and costing, physical layout and organization of institutional kitchens, foodservice management tools and techniques, and cost control procedures

Nutrition Educator: Live Healthy Georgia, Take Charge of Your Health Georgia!, Newton County Senior Center—Covington, GA, 2007-2009

  • Participated in program collaboration between University of Georgia Department of Foods and Nutrition and Georgia Division of Aging Services, Atlanta, GA
  • Authored weight-management lesson included in statewide curriculum for LHG
  • Led Older Americans Act Nutrition Program (OAANP) participants in monthly nutrition, health, and physical activity educational lessons
  • Assisted in data collection, entry, analysis, and report writing for Georgia Division of Aging Services supported program

UGA Guest Lectures:

  • FDNS 2100, Human Nutrition and Food. Lecture title: “100+ years of education, research, service and outreach. Introduction to Foods and Nutrition.” Fall and Spring Semesters, 2016 – 2019
  • FDNS 4660/6660, Food and Nutrition Education Methods. Lecture title, “Nutrition Education for Older Adults” Fall and Spring Semesters, 2015 – 2019
  • FHCE 1110, Consumers in Our Society. Lecture title: “Consumer Issues in Food.” Fall 2018
  • FDNS 8530, Nutrition and Disease Process I. Lecture title: “Nutrition for Cancer Prevention.” Fall 2018
  • FDNS 4540/6540, Public Health Dietetics. Lecture title, “Nutrition and Health Education and Research.” Spring 2018
  • FDNS/KINS 4700/6700, Weight Management Coaching. Lecture titles, “Dietary Guidelines,” “Fads and Resources,” and “Evidence-based nutrition strategies for weight management.” Fall 2017
  • FDNS/TXMI/CHFD/HACE/FACS 2000, Introduction to Family and Consumer Sciences.  Lecture title: “Using Technology in Nutrition Education, Communication, and Research.” Fall 2014, Fall 2017
  • KINS 2500, Exercise is Medicine. Lecture title: “General Nutrition for Health Professionals; Dietary Supplements.” Fall 2015
  • FYOS 1001, Fast Food – Views and Perceptions of Millennial Students. Lecture title, “Nutritional contributions of fast foods.” Fall 2015
  • ANTH 3541, Anthropology of Eating. Lecture title, “Nutrition Education for Obesity and Diabetes Prevention and Treatment.” Fall 2015
  • KINS 3500, Personal Training. Lecture titles, "Nutrition for Weight Management: the Dietary Guidelines," trends in weight management, practical tips, Spring 2015
  • KINS 4700, Weight Management Coaching, February 24 - March 5, 2015
  • KINS 3500, Personal Training. Lecture titles, "Supplementation and Health", April 7, 2015
  • FYOS 1001, First Year Odyssey, Psychology of Aging, Lecture title, "Nutrition in Aging and Mental Health," Fall 2013, Fall 2014.
  • FDNS 4600/6600, Food Policy, Lecture title, "Food Allergy: from research to practice to policy and back." February 7th and 10th 2014

Prior Professional Positions

Organization Title Years of Service
Cobb County School District Food and Nutrition Services Area Supervisor 2
East Metro Health District Clinical Nutritionist, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children (WIC) 0.5


Award Name Awarded By Year Awarded
D.W. Brooks Excellence in Extension College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 2023
Distinguished Service by a Researcher Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2022
Human Development and Family Relations Award - First Place National, First Place Southern Region. "Healthy Georgia Wellness". National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS). 2022
Educational Publication Award. Third Place National. "Healthy Georgia Wellness". National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS). 2022
Family Health and Wellness Team Award (Holland K, Davis S, Parker M, Hubbard R, Price R, Berg A) - 1st Place Georgia Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences 2017
Marketing Package Team Award - First Place State. Georgia Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (GEAFCS), 2022
Poster Presentation Awards- 1st Place. Team award, "Healthier Together Community Gardens: Reach, Integration, and Lessons Learned" Georgia Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (GEAFCS), 2022
Poster Presentation Awards- 3rd Place. Team award, "Quality of Life Remains Stable Among Extension DPP Participants During the COVID-19 Pandemic.". Georgia Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (GEAFCS), 2022
Poster Presentation Award - 1st Place Team, "UGA Extension Helps Georgians Lose Weight and Prevent Diabetes" UGA Extension 2022
Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Extension and Outreach Faculty Award College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia. 2020
Educational Curriculum Package Team Award: "Healthy Georgia Wellness" National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS), 2020
Family Health and Wellness Team Award: "Healthy Georgia Wellness" - 1st Place National, National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS), 2020
Excellence in Multi State Collaboration Team Award, Cooperative Extension National Diabetes Prevention Program Working Group - 1st Place National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS), 2020
Mary W. Wells Diversity Award (Beltran I and Berg A) – 3rd Place in Southern Extension Region, 1st place in Georgia National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences 2019
Educational Curriculum Package Award (Beltran I and Berg A) – 3rd Place in Southern Extension Region, 1st Place in Georgia National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences 2019
Family Health and Wellness Award (Berg A and 34 Extension team members) - 3rd Place Georgia Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences 2019
Outstanding Support by Family and Consumer Sciences State Faculty/Staff Georgia Association of Extension 4-H Agents 2019
Excellence in Healthy Living Programs Georgia Association of Extension 4-H Agents 2018
Community Partnership Award (Rupured M, Aaron LA, Andress E, Bales D, Berg A, Bentley R, et al.) – 1st Place in Georgia Georgia Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences 2018
School Wellness Award (Holland K, Davis S, Parker M, Hubbard R, Price R, Berg A) - 2nd Place Georgia Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences 2017
Emerging Dietetic Leader Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2015
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award University of Georgia 2015
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges University of Georgia 2015
Commission on Dietetic Registration Doctoral Schoolarship Commission on Dietetic Registration 2014 - 2015
Kathryn Oliverio Bishirjian Healthy Aging DPG Scholarship Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, Health Aging Dietetic Practice Group 2014 - 2015
June & Bill Flatt Nutrition Excellence Graduate Scholarship College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia 2014 - 2015
Frances Carr Parker and School Nutrition Services DPG Scholarship Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, School Nutrition Services Dietetic Practice Group 2013 - 2014
Ruth Rowan Morrison Scholarship College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia 2013 - 2014
Anne and Earl Haltiwanger Scholarship College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia 2012 - 2013


Organization Title Year(s) Service Type
Georgia Clinical Translational Science Alliance, Community Engagement Core Committee Committee Member 2019 - Present Professional
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, Annual Conference Program Committee Member 2021-2023 Professional
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Healthy Aging Committee Member 2016 - Present Professional
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Healthy Aging Committee Past Chair 2020-2022 Professional
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Healthy Aging Committee Chair-Elect 2019-2020 Professional
Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Treasurer 2016-2018 Professional
Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association Past-president 2015-2016 Professional
Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Treasurer-elect 2015-2016 Professional
Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association President 2014-2015 Professional
Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association President-elect 2013-2014 Professional
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Healthy Aging Committee Chair 2020-2021 Professional


As an Extension Specialist, I provide regular education and training to our UGA Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents, and oversee nutrition and health programs delivered in the community, such as Cooking for a Lifetime of Cancer Prevention, The National Diabetes Preventioin Program, Walk-a-Weigh, and Right Bite Diabetes Cooking Schools.

I also support the activities of 4-H Youth Development through training and support of Extension 4-H  and Family and Consumer Science Agents and 4-H'ers themselves. 

See my CV for a full list of programs, trainings, and 4-H support.

Selected Trainings for Extension Agents (See CV for full listing)

  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans, January 10, 2023–January 12, 2023. Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff. Number of participants: 54, Sessions: 2, Contact hours: 4.0 (Fully at a distance)
  • Diabetes 101 - session 3 (Physical Activity Considerations, Common Medications, Extension diabetes resources), March 13, 2023–Present.Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff. Number of participants: 20, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 2.0 (Fully at a distance)
  • Diabetes 101 - session 2 (nutritional management), March 6, 2023–Present. Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff. Number of participants: 19, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 2.0 (Fully at a distance)
  • Diabetes 101 - session 1 (physiology, prevalence, risk factors), February 27, 2023. Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff.Number of participants: 24, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 2.0 (Fully at a distance)
  • Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label, January 17, 2023–January 23, 2023. Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff.Number of participants: 51, Sessions: 2, Contact hours: 1.5 (Fully at a distance)
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension - Cooking for a Lifetime of Cancer Prevention, September 28, 2022. Agent Training - Virginia Cooperative Extension - Cooking for a Lifetime of Cancer Prevention. Carlin Rafie, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Blacksburg, United States. Invited, Keynote, Role: Presenter, Target audience: Professionals. Number of participants: 5, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 6.0 (Hybrid (<=50%))
  • Updates in Cervical Cancer, HPV Vaccination, and Nutrition. (2022) Target audience: Faculty/Staff, Number of participants: 51, Sessions: 2, Contact hours: 4.0 Nutrition & Weight Management: Spotlight on Fad Diets, 4 Extension Districts, 2.5 hours per district (10 hours), total participants: 60, Feb 26, Feb 28, May 14, May 23, 2019.
  • Food, Nutrition, and Fun: Nutrition Education for Youth, April 14, 2022. Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff. Number of participants: 31, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 1.5 (Fully at a distance)
  • Diabetes Prevention Program - Lifestyle Coach and Research Training, March 22, 2022–March 24, 2022. UGA FACS Extension, Athens, GA Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff. Number of participants: 7, Sessions: 3, Contact hours: 20.0 (Face-to-face)
  • Peanuts: a great part of healthy eating patterns, even for infants!, January 12, 2022. Extension Conference, 2022UGA Extension, Athens, GA. Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Faculty/Staff. Number of participants: 11, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 1.5 (Face-to-face)
  • In-Depth Diabetes Training. November 12, 2020. Total participants 17. 6 hours, Synchronous, online.
  • Advances in Nutrition and Health Content Training: Gut Health, Probiotics, and Prebiotics. September 9 and 10, 2020. Total participants 77. 2 hours per session, Synchronous, online.
  • Advances in Nutrition and Health Content Training: COVID-19, Nutrition and Immunity, Supplements. April 28 and 29, 2020. Total participants 90. 2 hours per session, Synchronous, online.
  • Enhancing the Scholarship in Extension. Collaboration with D Bales and C Mull. Each training 16 hours. Participants: cohort of 8 selected 4-H and FACS Extension Agents per training.
    • Publishing Your Work. Eatonton, GA, March 27 – 29, 2019.
    • Preparing Manuscripts, and reporting to stakeholders.  Eatonton, GA, Sep 18 – Sep 20, 2018.
    • Literature review, creating manuscripts.  Eatonton, GA, Jun 4 – Jun 8, 2018. 
    • Analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. Eatonton, GA, Mar 26 – Mar 28, 2018. 
    • Introduction to the research process and methodology. Athens, GA, Sep 18 - 20, 2017. 
  • Cancer Prevention: Two Extension programs that work. (Invited). Coordinator/Co-Presenter: C Rafie, PhD, RDN, Virginia Cooperative Extension. 31 participants, 0.75 hrs, online, Feb 7, 2019.
  • Program Development in Chronic Disease and Healthy Lifestyles for Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, 50 participants, 1.5 hrs., Athens, GA, Jan 16, 2019.
  • Foundations in Chronic Disease and Healthy Lifestyles for New Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents, New course prep in 2015. Revised annually. 6 participants, 2 sessions, 5 hrs., face-to-face and synchronous online, Athens, GA, Oct 23, 2018; Teaching evaluations: 4.9/5.0.
  • Trends and Updates in Nutrition and Health: New Blood Pressure Guidelines, Whole Milk Dairy: health or hype, and updates in colorectal cancer prevention. Scope: State, 41 participants, 2 hrs. per session, online. Aug 16 and 17, 2018.
  • Great and Glorious Grains. Collaboration with E Andress, PhD, Extension Food Safety Specialist, 31 participants, 3 hrs., Eatonton, GA, Jan 24, 2018.
  • Foundations in Chronic Disease and Healthy Lifestyles for New FACS Extension Agents. 13 participants, 2 sessions, 5 hrs., face-to-face and synchronous online, Athens, GA, Oct 5, 2017; Teaching evaluations: 5.0/5.0.
  • Cardiovascular Disease and Dietary Fats. 4 Extension Districts, 2 hours per district (8 hours), total participants for four trainings: 60, Aug 10, Aug 22, Sep 7, Sep 28, 2017. 
  • Cancer Prevention: Empowering Communities in the Rural South Agent and Supervisors Training, 20 participants, 2 sessions, 8 hrs., Athens, GA, Jan 31 and Feb 1, 2017. 

Selected Trainings for Other Professional Audiences (See CV for full listing)

  • First Bites: Complementary Feeding and Early Allergen Introduction, November 3, 2023. UGA Extension, Athens, GA, 30602 Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Professionals. Number of participants: 8, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 2.0
  • Creating a Safe Childcare Environment: Food Allergies, November 3, 2023–Present. UGA Extension, Athens, GA, 30602. Role: Co-presenters, Target audience: Professionals. Number of participants: 30, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 3.0
  • Berg A. What is A Culture of Health, June 23, 2022. Well Connected Communities Master Volunteer Training. Total Participants: 12, 1 hour. In-person.
  • Berg A. Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change. June 23, 2022. Well Connected Communities Master Volunteer Training. Total Participants: 12, 1 hour. In-person.
  • Berg A, Penn A, McCray G, Inan O, Akintobi T, Community Grant Writing Academy, Georgia Clinical Translational Science Alliance, Apr 28 &29, 2022 and June 9, 10, 2022.  Attendance: 75.  Virtual. 16 hours. Community Grant Writing Academy, Georgia Clinical Translational Science Alliance, Feb 11 & 12, 2021 and April 29, 30, 2021.  Attendance: 45.  Virtual. 16 hours.
  • Berg A. Nutrition, Literacy, and Academic Achievement, Elbert County Family Connections Annual Board Meeting, Invited presentation, Attendance: 20, Elberton, GA, Jun 27, 2018.
  • Still C, Berg A (2018). Smarter Lunchrooms Training. Introduction to behavioral economic techniques to improve food choices among school meals consumers. Presented to Taliaferro Co Schools School Nutrition Employees, 45 min, face-to-face, Crawfordville, GA, Mar 21, 2018.
  • Price R. (Editor: Berg) (2018). Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease. Adapted from Trends and Updates Training and Choosing the Right Fats for training of Georgia Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, 8 – 12th grade. Presented at GATFACS 2018, Jan, Atlanta, GA.
  • Roberts A (Editor: Berg) (2017). What's Sweet about the New Nutrition Label? Adapted from Changes Nutrition Label (Berg A, 2016) for training of Georgia FACS Teachers, 8 – 12th grade. Presented at GACTE 2017, Jul, Atlanta, GA and GATFACS, 2018, Jan, Atlanta, GA.
  • Berg, A, Lee J, Sattler E, Walker T (2016). Applying Dietary Guidelines and Maximizing Nutrition Assistance for Improved Medication Adherence in Older Patients. Professional Continuing Education developed for Georgia Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Continuing Education Training (1 hour CE credit). Medium: Distance (online) education. Retrieved from

Advisory Committee

  • Master Trainer Select™ Advisory Board (Board member), October 1, 2023–Present
    Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center (DTTAC), Emory Centers for Public Health Training and Technical Assistance, 1518 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA, 30322, Annual time commitment (hrs): 20.0
  • Emory Cancer Prevention Stakeholder Advisory Board for Research Translation (Board member), March 25, 2020–Present, Emory Prevention Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States, Annual time commitment (hrs): 4.0

Areas of Expertise

  • The National Diabetes Prevention Program
  • Nutrition for Cancer Prevention
  • Community Nutrition Education
  • Older Adult Nutrition
  • Nutrition for Weight Management
  • Physical Activity and Exercise for Weight Management
  • School Nutrition
  • Menu Planning

Current Research and Extension Grants and Contracts

Berg A. Changing the Culture of Peanut Introduction in Georgia: A collaborative pilot
Southern Peanut Growers, NA, 01 Dec 2021–30 Jun 2024, Role: Principal investigator

Padilla H, Berg A, Longenecker.  Healthier Together: High Obesity Program in Georgia 2023-2028, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Award ID pending, October 1, 2023–September 30, 2028. Amount: $5 million proposed. Year 1 awarded: $804,000. Role: Co-Investigator of, Credit: 25%

Lee JS, Shannon J, Berg A, Borron A.  Georgia Hunger Study. US Department of Agriculture, 427000400000107951, October 1, 2022–September 30, 2023
Amount: $ 300,000 (US), Role: Co-investigator of, Credit: 33%.

NSF Engines: Type-1: Southeastern Technology Engine to Advance Healthcare Equity (FP00028079). NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, A825292, July 1, 2023–April 30, 2025. Amount: $ 217,532 (US), Role: Co-investigator of, Credit: 15%

Taylor R, Phillips B, Ofili E, Garcia A, et. al. Georgia Clinical Translational Science Alliance, Community Engagement Core. 2021-2025. NIH-NCATS. Amount awarded to UGA from Georgia CTSA, FY 22-23: $ 7,186,208. Berg Role: Co-investigator of, Credit: 10%.

Berg A, Dallas J. Diabetes Prevention Program for UGA Faculty and Staff, Board of Regents, University System of Georgia, 98000-000519013A, 01 Apr 2020–30 Jun 2024, Role: Principal investigator)

Brown V, Bowie M, Johnson LP, Scarrow A. Building Vaccine Confidence in Rural Georgia, Phase I. Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) program.  USDA NIFA, CDC, Extension Foundation. Role: Berg A - Consultant/Advisor

Brown V, Bowie M, Johnson LP, Scarrow A. Building Vaccine Confidence in Rural Georgia, Phase II. Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) program.  USDA NIFA, CDC, Extension Foundation. Role: Berg A - Consultant/Advisor

Brown C., Daniels J, Hobbs K, Jordan L, Penn A, Berg A. Wave 3 Well Connected Communities Initiative. Robert Wood Johnson Foundations (Role: Key Personnel). 2022 – 2024.

Brown C., Daniels J, Hobbs K, Jordan L, Penn A, Berg A. Wave 2 Well Connected Communities Initiative. Robert Wood Johnson Foundations (Role: Key Personnel). 2020 – 2022.

Berg A, Evans E, Koonce J. Creating a Healthier Georgia Through Diabetes Prevention. 2019 – 2021. UGA Interdisciplinary Seed Grant Program, (Role: Principal Investigator)

Akintobi T, Murray D, Elliot R, Berg A, et. al. Georgia Clinical Translational Science Alliance, Community Engagement Core (Community Engagement Core Committee Member, 10% time). 2017 – 2022. NIH-NCATS. 

Davis M, Berg A, Corso P, Lamm A, Scarrow A, Everson D, Miller M, Parker A. Healthier Together: High Obesity Program in Georgia (2018 – 2020: Project Director, 5% time, 2020 – 2023: Nutrition Specialist 5% time). 2018 – 2023. CDC-RFA-DP18-1809.


Brady AO, Berg AC, Johnson MA, Evans EM.  Physical activity and exercise in older adults, Chapter in: Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Aging, 3rd. ed.  Bales CW, Locher J, and Saltzman E, editors, 2015. Springer.

Current Research

Our research falls under the umbrella of exploring the effectiveness of the Extension model to enhance knowledge and facilitate healthy behavior change across the lifespan.  Specifically, we focus on the impact of UGA Extension's Cooking for a Lifetime of Cancer Prevention on cancer preventive lifestyle behaviors and screening for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer among urban and rural Georgians and exploring the relationship of program implementation factors on outcomes.  Newer research includes exploring the feasibility and acceptability of the National Diabetes Prevention Program in UGA Extension and the impact on diet quality, physical activity, and physical function among middle-aged and older participants, and the relationship of health insurance status and preventative care behaviors on participant outcomes.

Dissertation project: Psychological Constructs, Measures of Adiposity and Weight Loss Following Intervention in Older Women

Job Description

As a State Extension Nutrition and Health Specialist, I lead nutrition and health education programming delivered by Extension agents in Georgia in the areas of disease prevention and health maintenance throughout the lifespan. I develop and revise curriculum and evaluate the impact of these programs on the citizens of Georgia. I work with a wide variety of audiences from children to older adults.  

Dr. Berg’s interests include nutrition for disease prevention and health maintenance throughout the lifespan.  As a Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Specialist in the area of human nutrition and health promotion, Dr. Berg provides content expertise and leadership for the development, implementation, and evaluation of nutrition education programs that serve Georgia’s residents. In addition, Dr. Berg has experience in school nutrition, public health, senior centers, and weight loss intervention research for overweight and obese older women. 

View Dr. Berg's Faculty Focus Page

Journal Articles

*Indicates graduate student supervised research; Last author is senior author in the Nutritional Sciences field

  • *Wilson HK, Castillo-Hernandez IM, Evans EM, Williams ER, Berg AC. Diet Quality Outcomes of a Cooperative Extension Diabetes Prevention Program. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2023 Jul 19:S1499-4046(23)00394-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2023.06.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37480887.
  • *Wilson H, Wieler C, Bell D, Bhattarai A, Castillo-Hernandez I, Williams E, Evans E, Berg A.  Implementation of the Diabetes Prevention Program in Georgia Cooperative Extension according to RE-AIM and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research.  Prev Sci. 2023 Mar 17:1–12. . Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36930404; PMCID: PMC10021035.
  • Randall N, Dobbins K, Berg A, Lamm A.  (2023) Qualitative Exploration of Cultural Influence on a Rural Health Promotion Initiative. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 
  • Berg AC, Padilla HM, Sanders CE, et al. Community Gardens: A Catalyst for Community Change. Health Promotion Practice. 2023;24(1_suppl):92S-107S. Special supplement for CDC-funded community research.  Invited. 
  • Borron A, Berg A, Jones C, et al. Examining the Relationship Between Existing Community Resources and Community Leaders’ Perceptions of Resilience and Rural Health During COVID-19. Health Promotion Practice. 2023;24(1_suppl):56S-67S. Special supplement for CDC funded community research.  Invited.
  • Berg A., *Taylor, NO., Brown C., & Giraudo, S. (2022). “Time, Money, or Knowledge: What Factors Are Associated with Implementing Youth Cooking Programs?”. Journal of Extension. (Accepted Jul 2022).
  • *Greteman BB, Rollins L, Penn A, Berg A, Nehl E, Llewellyn N, Weber A, George M, Sabbs, D, Mubasher M, and Akintobi TH. (2022) "Identifying Community-Engaged Translational Research Collaboration Experience and Health Interests of Community-Based Organizations Outside of Metropolitan Atlanta," Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association: Vol. 8: No. 3, Article 18. Available at:
  • Wilson, H.*, Averill, B., Cook, G., Campbell, C., Dallas, J., Evans, E., , Moore, J., Moore, S., Roberts, A., Soltanmammedova, Z., Stackhouse, R., Sweda, C., Thomas, R., Tucker, C., Worley, B., Berg, A. (2022). Implementation of the National Diabetes Prevention Program in FCS Extension during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Participant Experiences and Lessons Learned. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 
  • Rafie, C., Johnson, N., Jarvandi, S., Berg, A., da Silva, V., Morrisroe-Aman, B., & Welshons, K. (2021). Distance Learning for Delivery of the Diabetes Prevention Program: Experiences of the Cooperative Extension National Diabetes Prevention Program Working Group (CE-NDPP). Journal of the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences. Retrieved from
  • Pickett, A., Bowie, M., Berg, A., Towne, S., Hollifield, S., & Smith, M. (2022). Rural–Urban Differences in Physical Activity Tracking and Engagement in a Web-Based Platform. Public Health Rep. 2022 Jan 21:333549211065522. doi: 10.1177/00333549211065522. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35060782.
  • Berg, A., Bales, D., & Mull, C. (2021). Perceptions of Scholarship Among County-Based Extension Faculty. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 25, 75-97. Retrieved from
  • Harden S, Washburn L, Berg A, Pena-Purcell N, Norman-Burgdolf H, Franz N (2020).  A Brief Report on a Facilitated Approach to Connect Cooperative Extension Southern Region State-Level Health Specialists. Journal of Human Sciences in Extension, 8(1). Available online:
  • Stewart R, Bales D, Mull C, Berg A, Price R.  Extension Programs Are Not a One Size Fits All: Child Passenger Safety in Culturally Diverse Audience (2019). Journal of the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences, 2019. Available online:
  • King E, Moore C, Wilson H, Harden S, Davis M, Berg A (2019). Mixed methods evaluation of implementation and outcomes in a community-based cancer prevention intervention. BMC Public Health;19:1051.
  • Berg AC.  Healthy Weight. [New Resources for Nutrition Educators]. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (accepted, forthcoming).
  • Rivera-Gonzalez N, Berg A, Grossman B, Hartzell D, Giraudo S (2019).  Nutrition Intervention to Hispanic Groups: Pilot Studies of Children and Families.  Ecology of Food and Nutrition. PubMed PMID: 30905188.
  • Moore C, Williams T, Berg A, Durward C (2019).  An evaluation of inter-coder and intra-coder reliability for 24-hour dietary recall data.  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. PubMed PMID: 30737095
  • Berg AC, Johnson KB, Straight CR, Reed RA, O'Connor PJ, Evans EM, Johnson MA.  Flexible Eating Behavior Predicts Greater Weight Loss Following a Diet and Exercise Intervention in Older Women. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr. 2018 Jan-Mar;37(1):14-29. doi: 10.1080/21551197.2018.1435433. Epub 2018 Mar 1. PubMed PMID: 29494790.
  • Smith ML, Durrett NK, Bowie M, Berg A, McCullick BA, LoPilato AC, MurrayD. (2017). Individual- versus group-based engagement in an online physical activity monitoring program in Georgia. Preventing Chronic Disease, (in-press).
  • Yli-Piipari S, Berg A, Laing EM, Hartzell DL, Parris KO, Udwadia J, Lewis RD. A Twelve-Week Lifestyle Program to Improve Cardiometabolic, Behavioral, and Psychological Health in Hispanic Children and Adolescents. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Feb;24(2):132-138. doi: 10.1089/acm.2017.0130. Epub 2017 Oct 10. PubMed PMID: 29017015.
  • Lay WA, Vickery CR, Ward-Ritacco C, Johnson KB, Berg AC, Evans EM, Johnson MA. Comparison of intake of animal and plant foods and related nutrients in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors and controls. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics.  In press.
  • Clune A (Berg), Fischer JG, Lee JS, Reddy S, Johnson MA, Hausman DB. Prevalence and predictors of recommendations to lose weight in overweight and obese older adults in Georgia senior centers. Preventive Medicine.  2010;51(1):27-30. Epub 2010 Apr 9.


Selected Extension Publications (See CV for full listing):

  • Berg, A., & Wilson, H. (2020). Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label (FDNS-E-89-11). UGA Extension. Retrieved from
  • Berg, A., Wilson, H., & Crawley, C. (2020). Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label - Calories and Portions: (FDNS-E-89-95). UGA Extension. Retrieved from
  • Berg, A., Wilson, H., & Crawley, C. (2020). Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label - Fats and Cholesterol (FDNS-E-89-96a). UGA Extension. Retrieved from
  • Duffy, S., & Berg, A. (2020). Supplements and Immunity (Temporary Publication 114). Athens, GA: UGA Extension. Retrieved from
  • Campbell, C., & Berg, A. (2020). Eating Healthier for Less (Temporary Publication 113). Athens, GA: UGA Extension. Retrieved from
  • Worley B, Berg A. (2020). Using Non-Perishable Items to Build a Healthy Plate. (Temp 109). 1p.
  • Koonce, J, Berg A, Chatterjee S, Turner P, (2017). Health Insurance: What You Should Know About Preventative Health Care (Circular 1120). Athens, GA: UGA Extension. Retrieved from
  • Crawley C, Hanula G, Berg A. (2016). Breastfeeding: A Mother's Special Gift, Article in: Futris, T. G. A Guide for New Parents (Publication No. CHFD-E-86). Available at:
  • Winston H, Wilson H, Berg A. (2018) Everything you need to know about coconut oil. (FDNS-E-175-3). 2 p. 
  • Norris K, Berg A.  (2016) What to Know About Added Sugars (FDNS-E-173-37). 1 p. 
  • Berg A (2016) Body Weight in Older People (FDNS-E-89-112) 3 p. 
  • Lower literacy version: Berg A (2016) Body Weight in Older People (FDNS-E-89-112a). 2 p. 
  • Berg A, Wilson H. (2016, Revised 2018).  BMI and Cancer (FDNS-E-170-1). 2 p.
  • Wilson H, Berg A. (2018) Prevent Cancer: Eat Plants (FDNS-170-9). 2 p.
  • Wilson H, Berg A. (2018) Cancer Prevention Lifestyle Guidelines (FDNS-E-170-10). 1 p.
  • Selph E, Wilson H*, Berg A. (2016, revised 2018). Choosing the Best Whole Grain Bread (FDNS –E-170-4). 2 p.
  • Selph E, Wilson H*, Crawley C, Berg A. (2016, revised 2018). Choosing the Best Whole Grain Tortilla (FDNS –E-170-5).  2 p.
  • Crawley C, Selph E, Berg A. (significant revisions 2016, 2018).  Let’s Get Cooking: slim down on salt and sugar and trim the fat (FDNS-E-170-2). 1 p.
  • Crawley C, Selph E, Berg A. (significant revisions 2016, 2018).  Let’s Get Moving: how to start being more physically active (FDNS-E-170-3). 1 p.

  • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletters – Quarterly newsletter for families living with diabetes.  Each issue includes 2 – 4 articles. All coauthors are graduate students and/or dietetic interns (exception:  J Harrison, Vol. 31, No. 3). All newsletters are published online at:
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 37, No. 4 (2023): Kindamo, E & Berg, A. Erythritol and heart health: what you need to know. Kindamo, E & Berg, A Walkin’ in a winter wonderland. Kindamo, E & Berg, A.  Make your food drive go the extra mile. (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 37, No. 3 (2023): May M., Kindamo, E & Berg, A. Nutrition and Arthritis Control. Kindamo, E & Berg, A. Make it a Habit.. Kindamo, E.  Is an Air Fryer Worth Your Counterspace? (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 37, No. 2 (2023): Averill B., Kindamo, E & Berg, A. #30for30 Walk-a-Weigh. Kindamo, E & Berg, A. Playing an active role on your diabetes care team.. Kindamo, E. FDA issues final ruling on partially hydrogenated oils.  (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 37, No. 1 (2023): Mercer S., Kindamo, E & Berg, A. Intermittent Fasting and Diabetes.. Kindamo, E. Safe and fun in the summer sun. Kindamo, E. Spring Vegetable Spotlight: Asparagus.  (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 36, No. 4 (2022): Appelbaum M, Kindamo, E.. Picking fruits and veggies that last. Whitson Q, Berg A.  The Power of Peanuts. McDaniel, M. Refresh Your Goals for the New Year. (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 36, No. 3 (2022):  Kindamo, E.. Stand Up for Your Health. McDaniel, M. Five tips for navigating the holidays. Kindamo E. Defining Remission in Type 2 Diabetes. (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 36, No. 2 (2022):  Kindamo, E.. Preserving Your Garden Produce. Kindamo E. Emergency preparedness for diabetes and beyond. Kindamo E, Berg A. Updated PreventT2 lessons released. (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 36, No. 1. (2022):  Kindamo, E., Thomas, D., & Berg, A. Nutritious Menu Choices Made Easy. Berg A, Leonard J, Kindamo E. Diabetes and the Brain. Kindamo E, Berg A. Water Enhancers. Berg A: Tips for Holiday Meals (Editor: Berg A).
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 35, No. 2. (2021):  Sanville L, Berg A. Type 2 Diabetes: When Insulin Might Be Needed; Sanville L, Berg A. Insulin Bootcamp; Sanville L, (Editor: Berg A). Why is Sleep Important?
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 35, No. 1. (2021):  Wilson H (Editor: Berg A), The new dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. Wilson H (Editor: Berg A), Use Your Plate to Plan Meals. Tucker C (Editor: Berg A), Communicating with your Healthcare Provider
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 34, No. 3. (2020): Duffy S, Berg A, Managing Stress and Diabetes. Wilson H (Editor: Berg A), Prediabetes and the National Diabetes Prevention Program. Hsuan-Mein Y, Wilson H, Berg A. Food Label Lingo.
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 34, No. 2. (2020):  Childs A, Stackhouse B, Wilson H, Berg A.  Eat Home: Save Money and Save Your Health.  Duffy S, Berg A. The Mediterranean Diet.  Duffy S, Berg A. Antioxidants: Eat the Rainbow.
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 34, No. 1. (2020):  Laing E, Berg A. Beware of Claims of “immune boosting: diets and pills; Tucker C, Berg A. COVID-19: Why are People with Diabetes at Greater Risk? Worley B, Berg A. Make a Healthy Pantry with Fewer Trips to the Store.
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 33, No. 4. (2019):  Rautmann A, Hornbeck M, Berg A. Sugar Science; Rautmann A, Berg A. Sugar Substitutes: An update; Rautmann A, Wilson H, Berg A. Sugar: How Much is Too Much?.
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 33, No. 3. (2019):  Wilson H (Editor: Berg A). Meal Prepping with Diabetes; Wilson H (Editor: Berg A). Probiotics and Prebiotics: Should I take them?; Wilson H (Editor: Berg A). Navigating Supplement Shakes with Diabetes.
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 33, No. 2. (2019):  Ragan T & Berg A. Write It Down to Lose It - Weight That Is!; Sanders H & Berg A. Way 2 Go H20!; Wilson H (Editor: Berg A).  Setting SMART Goals to Improve Health Behaviors
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 33, No. 1. (2019): Sanders H & Berg A. Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions; Sanders H & Berg A. New Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2018; Wilson H (Editor: Berg A).  Protecting Your Feet
    • Diabetes Life Lines Newsletter, Vol 32, No. 4. (2018): Sanders H & Berg A. Weight Loss Surgery and Diabetes: Is it right for you?; Sanders H & Berg A. Diet After Weight Loss Surgery; Sanders H (Editor: Berg A). Traveling with Diabetes
  • Farm Fresh and Fast Series:
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Corn (FDNS-E-167-7a). (2017)  Everson D, Jordan L, Hollingsworth J (Editors: Berg A, Harrison J).
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Figs (FDNS-E-167-8a). (2017) Howington S, Everson D, Jordan L, Hollingsworth J (Editors: Berg A, Harrison J).
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Spinach (FDNS-E-167-10a). (2017) Everson D, Jordan L, Hollingsworth J (Editors: Berg A, Harrison J).
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Watermelon (FDNS-E-167-12a). (2017) Jordan L, Hollingsworth J (Editors: Berg A, Harrison J).
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Tomatoes (FDNS-E-167-11a). (2017) Everson D, Jordan L, Hollingsworth J (Editors: Berg A, Harrison J).
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Strawberries (FDNS-E-167-3a). (2102, Revised 2017) ShaneCurry D, Jordan L, Hollingsworth J (Editors: Berg A, Hanula G, Harrison J). 
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Snap Beans (FDNS-E-167-6a). (213, Revised 2017) Jordan L, Hollingsworth J (Editors: Berg A, Harrison J).
    • Farm Fresh and Fast: Pears (FDNS-E-167-9a). (2017) Howington S, Everson D, Jordan L, Hollingsworth J, Hancock F (Editors: Berg A, Harrison J).

Other selected popular press:

Working Papers

  • Berg, A., da Silva, V., Jarvandi, S., Brown, J., Edwards, Z., Grenci, A., . . . Van Offlen, S. (2023). “Cooperative Extension: Achieving Quality Outcomes and Reaching Priority Populations through the National Diabetes Prevention Program. Preventing Chronic Diseases: Public health research, practice, and policy
  • Castillo-Hernandez I., Wilson H., Williams E, Evans E, Berg A.  Exercise Benefits and Barriers and Physical Activity Behavior Change in Response to the Diabetes Prevention Program. Submitted to The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care (Revisions submitted Nov 2022)
  • Berg A, Turner P, Koonce J, Chatterjee S, Wilson H, Burton D, Bentley R, Davis S, Dekle M, Smith L, Stewart R. Increasing Cancer Awareness and Screenings in Rural Communities: An innovative Two Stage Program Design for Impact. Submitted to Journal of the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • Wilson H, Berg A, Evans E. The utility of Extension to increase adherence to the physical activity guidelines in middle-older adults: a systematic scoping review of benefits and barriers. In preparation

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