Tess Abraham

Tess Abraham

Nutritional Sciences

Abraham credits the Ambassador program for creating an amazing community that makes UGA feel like home


Milton, Ga.


Major: Nutritional Sciences. Minor: Human Development and Family Science


UGA Miracle Executive Director 2023-24, Greek Life, Study Abroad, Piedmont Athens Regional Volunteer, Hospice volunteer

Why did you choose your major?

When I first began at UGA, I knew I wanted my major to be something that motivated me, piqued my interest and allowed me to grow as a student and member of the UGA community. I chose nutritional sciences because of the unique classes that prepare students to be involved in the healthcare field. I have really loved being able to connect with other peers in my classes who have similar passions and career plans, and my professors continue to inspire me with their wisdom and valuable life experiences!

Why did you want to be a FACS Ambassador?

This year will be my second year as an ambassador for the college. Being an ambassador has allowed me to form relationships and experience opportunities on UGA’s campus that I would have never been able to experience otherwise. The diverse group of student ambassadors forms an amazing community at UGA that truly makes this university feel like home. All FACS students have a common goal of working to better the lives of others. I want to share my passion of doing my part to better the lives of others with my peers, and being an ambassador has allowed me to do that!

What do you like most about FACS?

I love that everyone in FACS is proud to be a part of the college. The sense of camaraderie in the college is undeniable and can be seen in students and staff alike!

What advice would you give to new students?

My advice for new students is to make every day count. Your time at UGA will truly fly by, and when you are a senior, you will be wondering where all of the time has gone! Find your community, invest in your education and take advantage of everything UGA has to offer! You won’t regret it!

What is your favorite place to study on campus?

My favorite place to study on campus is probably the Main Library. I love walking through  North Campus on my way to study. The beautiful scenery always makes me so thankful that I get to attend this university!

What is one thing you wish more people knew about FACS?

I wish more people knew that FACS is part of everyone’s life, every single day. Every aspect of life is related to FACS, and learning about it can make you appreciate the little things so much more!

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